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The DTP will provide an excellent training environment and deliver innovative training in social sciences

9 November 2023

2 minutes

The has been awarded the next phase of the South Coast Doctoral Training Partnership (2024-2029) by the Economic and Social Research Council.

The South Coast DTP, which includes the Universities of , Brighton, Chichester and Southampton, aims to provide an excellent training environment and to deliver innovative training in Social Sciences. The training is student-centred and individually-tailored to students’ prior experience, subject area and development needs.

The renewal means that the DTP can continue to award a minimum of 37 studentships a year to social scientists who are undertaking a PhD (or Master’s and PhD) at one of the four partner institutions.

Professor Tamsin Bradley at the , said: "We are delighted to be able to take the South Coast DTP forward into a new phase, which demonstrates our engagement and commitment to delivering high quality research training to support the next generation of social scientists. Our students are committed to finding sustainable solutions to the world's challenges and provide critical new insights that bring positive impact.”  

We are delighted to be able to take the South Coast DTP forward into a new phase, which demonstrates our engagement and commitment to delivering high quality research training to support the next generation of social scientists. Our students are committed to finding sustainable solutions to the world's challenges and provide critical new insights that bring positive impact.

Professor Tamsin Bradley, Professor in International Development Studies

As part of the renewal, Stian Westlake, Executive Chair, said: “Our vision for postgraduate training is that it will develop globally competitive social science researchers who can operate in interdisciplinary, collaborative, and challenge-led environments across a range of sectors and who have a diversity of backgrounds and experiences.

“This redesigned and expanded doctoral training opportunity will enhance the experience for PhD students and boost the UK’s capability.”

Professor Athina Vlachantoni, SCDTP Director, said: “We are very pleased to learn that the SCDTP has been renewed and we can continue our mission to produce social scientists who are equipped to meet future global challenges.”

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