
I am a botanist interested in the origin, variety and maintenance of plant diversity in a number of systems and at a number of different scales. This includes both species and character/trait diversity, and as such my research involves field botany, collections-based research, as well as molecular lab work, omics approaches and computational tools. 

Research interests

Currently researching plant biodiversity and ecology, including the extremes of plant evolution. We integrate the use of novel DNA sequencing approaches.----Working on giant monocot genomes, some of the smallest orchids, and diverse tobaccos from arid regions.----Our group at UoP are investigating the genomic mechanisms underpinning angiosperm species and character diversity, both stochastic and adaptive.----Key interest in polyploidy (WGDs), subsequent diploidisation processes, and their impact on flowering plant diversification.

I am Research Lead for the Ecology & Evolution research group within the School, which includes diverse research themes including: bioremediation, environmental monitoring, antimicrobial resistance, palaeoecology and ecosystem change, evolution of group living, evolutionary ecology of plants, plant domestication, plant-soil dynamics, population genomics of animals and plants, phylogenomics and systematics. 

Teaching responsibilities

I am the Course Leader for BSc (Hons) Biology, within the School of Biological Sciences. I teach core botany, as well as evolutionary processes, ecology, plant development, and genetics on a number of modules throughout the curriculum. I am Module Lead for the second-year (L5) module 'Plant Diversity, Development and Evolution' (M32683), as well as the third-year (L6) module 'Surveying Terrestrial Habitats' (M33325) that enables our BSc Biology graduates to pursue careers in ecological surveying.

Additionally, I supervise BSc, MRes and PhD research projects in areas related to my research expertise. 

Research outputs


Cauz‐Santos, L. A., Chase, M. W., Christenhusz, M. J. M., Conran, J. G., Dixon, K. W., Dodsworth, S., Metschina, D., Paun, O., Samuel, R.

9 Sep 2024, In: Molecular Ecology. 33, 18, e17498

Al-Shehbaz, I., Al-Wattar, N., Allnutt, T. R., Ameka, G. K., Andrew, R. L., Antar, G. M., Antonelli, A., Appelhans, M. S., Arista, M., Ariza, M. J., Arroyo, J., Arthan, W., Bachelier, J. B., Bailey, C. D., Bailey, P. C., Baker, W. J., Barber, V. M. A., Barnes, H. F., Barrett, M. D., Barrett, R. L., Bayer, R. J., Bayly, M. J., Bellot, S., Biffin, E., Biggs, N., Birch, J. L., Bogarín, D., Borosova, R., Botigué, L., Bowles, A. M. C., Boyce, P. C., Bramley, G. L. C., Brewer, G. E., Briggs, M., Broadhurst, L., Brown, G. K., Bruhl, J. J., Bruneau, A., Buerki, S., Burns, E., Byrne, M., Cable, S., Calladine, A., Callmander, M. W., Cano, Á., Cantrill, D. J., Cardinal-McTeague, W. M., Carlsen, M. M., Carruthers, A. J. A., Carruthers, T., Chase, M. W., Chatrou, L. W., Cheek, M., Chen, S., Christenhusz, M. J. M., Christin, P., Clarkson, J. J., Clements, M. A., Coffey, S. C., Conran, J. G., Cornejo, X., Couvreur, T. L. P., Cowan, R. S., Cowie, I. D., Crayn, D. M., Csiba, L., Darbyshire, I., Davidse, G., Davies, N. M. J., Davis, A. P., De Castro Mateo, A., De Lírio, E. J., De Salas, M. F., De Vos, J. M., De la Estrella, M., Debolt, L., Del Valle, J. C., Dodsworth, S., Downie, S. R., Duretto, M. F., Duvall, M. R., Edwards, S. L., Eggli, U., Eiserhardt, W. L., Epitawalage, N., Erkens, R. H. J., Escudero, M., Fabriani, F., Fay, M. F., Ferreira, P. d. L., Ficinski, S. Z., Forest, F., Fowler, R. M., Françoso, E., Frisby, S., Fu, L., Fulcher, T., Galbany-Casals, M., Gallego-Paramo, B., Gardner, E. M., German, D. A., Giaretta, A., Gibernau, M., Gillespie, L. J., González, C. C., Goyder, D. J., Grace, O. m., Graham, S. W., Grall, A., Green, L., Gunn, B. F., Gutierrez, K., Gutiérrez, D. G., Hackel, J., Haevermans, T., Haigh, A., Hall, J. C., Hall, T., Harrison, M. J., Hatt, S. A., Hendriks, K. P., Hidalgo, O., Hodkinson, T. R., Hoewener, A., Holmes, G. D., Hopkins, H. C. F., Hu, A., Jackson, C. J., James, S. A., Jobson, R. W., Johnson, M. G., Joyce, E. M., Kadereit, G., Kahandawala, I. M., Kainulainen, K., Kato, M., Kellogg, E. A., Kersey, P. J., Kikuchi, I. A. B. S., Kim, J. T., King, G. J., Klejevskaja, B., Klitgaard, B. B., Klopper, R. R., Knapp, S., Koch, M. A., Larridon, I., Larson, D. A., Leebens-Mack, J. H., Leempoel, K., Leitch, I. J., Lens, F., Leon, C. J., Lewis, G. P., Li, D., Li, L., Liede-Schumann, S., Liu, J., Livshultz, T., Lorence, D., Lu, M., Lu-Irving, P., Luber, J., Lucas, E. J., Luján, M., Lum, M., Léveillé-Bourret, É., Macfarlane, T. D., Magdalena, C., Malakasi, P., Mansano, V. F., Masters, L. E., Maurin, O., Mayo, S. J., McColl, K., McDonnell, A. J., McDougall, A. E., McGinnie, C., McLay, T. G. B., McPherson, H., Meneses, R. I., Merckx, V. S. F. T., Michelangeli, F. A., Mitchell, J. D., Monro, A. K., Moore, M. J., Mueller, T. L., Mummenhoff, K., Munzinger, J., Muriel, P., Murphy, D. J., Nargar, K., Nauheimer, L., Negrão, R., Nge, F. J., Nyffeler, R., Orejuela, A., Ortiz, E. M., Palazzesi, L., Peixoto, A. L., Pell, S. K., Pellicer, J., Penneys, D. S., Perez-Escobar, O. A., Persson, C., Pignal, M., Pillon, Y., Pirani, J. R., Plunkett, G. M., Pokorny, L., Powell, R. F., Prance, G. T., Przelomska, N. A. S., Puglisi, C., Qin, M., Rabeler, R. K., Rees, P. E. J., Renner, M., Roalson, E. H., Rodda, M., Rogers, Z. S., Rokni, S., Roy, S. R., Rutishauser, R., Sauquet, H., Schaefer, H., Schley, R. J., Schmidt-Lebuhn, A., Shah, T., Shapcott, A., Shepherd, K. A., Simmons, M. P., Simpson, L., Simões, A. O., Simões, A. R. G., Siros, M., Smidt, E. C., Smith, J. F., Smith, S. A., Snow, N., Soltis, D. E., Soltis, P. S., Soreng, R. J., Sothers, C. A., Starr, J. R., Stevens, P. F., Straub, S. C. K., Struwe, L., Taylor, J. M., Telford, I. R. H., Thornhill, A. H., Toledo Romero, E., Tooth, I., Trias-Blasi, A., Udovicic, F., Utteridge, T. M. A., Van Dijk, K., Verboom, G. A., Viruel, J., Vonow, H. P., Vorontsova, M. S., Waycott, M., Welker, C. A. D., White, A. J., Wickett, N. J., Wieringa, J. J., Williamson, L. T., Wilson, T. C., Wong, S. Y., Woods, L. a., Woods, R., Worboys, S., Xanthos, M., Yang, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhou, M., Zmarzty, S., Zuloaga, F. O., Zuntini, A. R.

24 Apr 2024, In: Nature


Dodsworth, S., Lambkin, D., Phillips, C.

19 Oct 2023, In: Curtis's Botanical Magazine. 40, 3, p. 275-281, 7p.

Dodsworth, S., Fajkus, J., Fajkus, P., Franek, M., Garcia, S., Hýsková, A., Kilar, A., Kopecký, D., Mátl, M., Orejuela, A., Peška, V., Ptáček, J., Závodník, M.

1 Sep 2023, In: New Phytologist. 239, 6, p. 2353-2366, 14p.

Dodsworth, S., Fuchs, J., Houben, A., Leitch, A. R., Leitch, I. J., Ma, L.

30 May 2023, In: Plants. 12, 11, 11p., 2159

Buril, M. T., Cauz-Santos, L. A., Chase, M. W., Christenhusz, M. J. M., Conran, J. G., Dodsworth, S., Fletcher, P., Guignard, M. S., Jakob, A., Leitch, A. R., Nollet, F., Paun, O., Samuel, R., Vignolle, G.

1 Jan 2023, In: Annals of Botany. 131, 1, p. 123-142, 20p.