
I am a member of the and co-director of the . I completed my PhD in 2012 working on the link between crested macaques’ communication and their social system (with and ). I obtained my Masters in Eco-physiology and Ethology at the Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg (France) in 2007 and studied Zoology as an undergraduate at the Henry Poincare University of Nancy (France). Before joining the , I worked as a Field Assistant for the , North Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Research interests

My research focuses on the evolution of social communication. I am particularly interested in the link between social complexity and communication complexity. I mostly study the communication system of the socially tolerant and understudied crested macaque (Macaca nigra), combining observations of wild animals and cognitive experiment with captive populations.

I am currently leading the NetFACS project, which is funded by the . In this project, we combine the Facial Action Coding System (an anatomically-based system designed to break-down facial expressions into their most basic observable units, the contraction of individual facial muscles) with Social Network Analysis (a method to measure relationships between units in a system) to develop a novel framework to study communication via the face: . In this framework, facial expressions will be conceptualised as a network of facial muscles, interacting to produce communication. This method will take into account the dynamic nature of facial expressions and therefore, better reflect its complexity.

Teaching responsibilities

I teach on the undergraduate degree programmes for BSc Psychology and BSc Forensic Psychology. I coordinate the Research Project module for the MRes Science, and the Animal Behaviour module for the BSc Psychology. I also supervise undergraduate dissertations related to comparative and evolutionary psychology, social cognition, and primate behaviour.

Research outputs


Arlet, M. E., Balasubramaniam, K. N., Beisner, B. A., Bliss-Moreau, E., Brent, L. J. N., Duboscq, J., García-Nisa, I., Huang, P., Kaburu, S. S. K., Kendal, R., Konečná, M., Majolo, B., Marty, P. R., McCowan, B., Micheletta, J., Ostner, J., Schino, G., Schülke, O.

1 Sep 2024, In: Behavioral Ecology. 35, 5, 14p., arae066

Clark, P. R., Kavanagh, E., Micheletta, J., Waller, B., Whitehouse, J.

1 Jun 2024, In: International Journal of Primatology. 45, 17p.


Clark, P. R., Liebal, K., Micheletta, J., Slocombe, K. E., Waller, B., Whitehouse, J.

9 Oct 2023, In: International Journal of Primatology

Clark, P. R., Duboscq, J., Micheletta, J., Mielke, A., Pérez, C., Rincon, A. V., Waller, B. M.

3 Oct 2023, In: eLife. 12, 17p., RP87008

Ballesta, S., Joly, M., Loyant, L., Meunier, H., Micheletta, J., Waller, B.

1 Sep 2023, In: Animal Cognition. 26

Agil, M., Chanvin, M., Diko, N., Lamarque, F., Micheletta, J., Widdig, A.

1 Aug 2023, In: International Journal of Primatology. 44

Catinaud, J., Julle-Danière, E., Luisi, B., Maréchal, L., Micheletta, J.

1 Aug 2023, In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 265, 8p., 105990

Duboscq, J., Engelhardt, A., Micheletta, J., Neumann, C., Perwitasari-Farajallah, D.

1 Aug 2023, In: International Journal of Primatology. 44

Micheletta, J., Rollings, J., Van Laar, D., Waller, B.

1 Jun 2023, In: Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 49, 6, p. 823-984, 14p.

Bard, K. A., Chotard, H., Davila‐Ross, M., Micheletta, J.

1 Jan 2023, In: American Journal of Primatology. 85, 1, 15p., e23451